Hi all, my blog is about music and music platforms. Here I talk about the different services used to stream music.

A bit of history:
Music has always been something big for humans. At all times. It has inspired and amazed with its immediacy and existed only in close connection with the instrument and the musician. And each performance was unique, and the memory was kept only in the heads of those rare spectators (and the halls were small, too) who had the chance to hear these magical sounds. And so, in 1877, a guy named Thomas Edison separated the components of listening and performing forever. Now these were not simultaneous acts, and the invention was called the phonograph. Music recordings became a tangible commodity.

Up until 1932, the phonograph and records were the only audiobook of the time. But a fellow English engineer named Hartley, without knowing it (he was just advertising new speakers), introduced a new concept for the world of sound – HI-FI (high fidelity, accuracy of reproduction). And then the scientists got carried away… 1941 – the invention of stereo. 1957 – the first stereo records. A major breakthrough in loudspeakers and amplifiers. The surrender of the mono format and the advent of magnetic tape. Tapes and reels, of course, require attention, but I will not dwell on them, as this period is gone and is unlikely to return (unlike vinyl). In 1970, Philips brought the CD to market. Refining it for 10 years, the world gets a completely new and unique medium with unprecedented sound quality. And the last step was the advent of the mp3 format, the frantic development of the Internet and the creation of powerful laptops, including our own smartphones.

Today’s quality sound lover is strikingly different from his counterpart in the 90s. 24-bit audio and a thousand tracks on the player. Terabyte banks and digital-to-analog converters, sound cards and low cost hardware. Network radios and home media centers (servers) that store all the music humanity has been able to preserve.

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